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Featured Artist – Tessa Miller

How old are you?

I’m 22 years old.

Where are you from?

I’m from Omaha, Nebraska.

What is your musical background?

I’ve always been involved in music since I was a child. Musicals, talent shows, NCAS, Church choir, Omaha community playhouse, Choir, And I even sang on a track in a movie once ! My heart leads me to music wherever I go.

What do you do for work?

I work at CASA which is caretaking for men with Autism and other disabilities.

Who is your biggest musical inspiration?

Anyone and everyone. It takes so much talent and energy to perform and do what people do. If you’re going after your goal then I 100% will route for you all the way.

Anything you’d like to say of add to your bio? Hobbies?

If you’re passionate about something go for it. Life is short and before you know it it’ll be gone or you won’t have the energy to pursue your dreams. Too many people get stuck because they’re comfortable and I’m here to tell you to get scared and still do it! You only live one life so why live it without doing what you want? The point of life is to find your niche and dream big. Be your own cheerleader and never take no for an answer. Travel, learn, pursue, and never give up.

How did you hear about Quarantine Karaoke?

A coworker!

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